
1. Introduction

The IPSTC Amani Library falls under the department of Peace and Security Research Department (PSRD) and is located on the 1st floor of the Research and Simulation Complex building, at IPSTC Karen. The library has a number of assorted booklets, Pamphlets and IPSTC Research Products, journals, UN blue manuals, magazines, and Course materials in soft copy covering thematic areas such as Conflict Prevention, Conflict Management, Post Conflict Recovery, Pre-deployment Training, International Security, Preventive Diplomacy, Media and Politics, Gender and Governance, Law of Armed Conflict, Humanitarian Coordination, International Relations, Human/Child Rights, General Management.

2. Function and Objectives of the Library
The main function of the Amani Library is to provide relevant education, training and research materials to IPSTC staff, course participants, Interns and other accredited library users by assisting tthem locate, access and retrieve information resources/services within the shortest time possible.
The objectives of the Amani Library are:

  1. Selecting, acquiring and organizing relevant and up-to-date information resources appropriate to the information needs of our clients.
  2. Establishing, promoting and maintaining a wide range of services and dissemination strategies that support the training and research function and encourage optimum exploitation of the library resources.
  3. Continuously share information and conduct orientation to users through various methods in order to provide guidance on use of the library’s collection and inculcate lifelong information skills
  4. Maintain experienced and dedicated professional library staff who will offer high quality services to the users of the library.
  5. Organize and preserve locally produced knowledge within IPSTC and provide access anywhere and at any time.
  6. Adopting technologies and innovations that will make information resources accessible to IPSTC staff and the Centre’s customers in an efficient and effective manner.
  7. Provide a secure and conducive learning environment for use of library resources.

2. Library Services

  1. Lending Services
    Amani Library facilitates equitable circulation of information resources among all users. Information materials borrowed on regular loan as well as short loan materials are all at the Circulation desk.
  2. Reading Facilities
    The library offers a sizeable reading space for staff, course participants and other visiting users. The e-Library section is solely meant for research purposes while the lounge is ideal for reading newspapers, magazines, journals and other literature found in the library in a most relaxed way.
  3. Recall of Materials on Loan
    The Librarian may recall any information material on loan from a user by notice which shall specify return of the same
  4. Electronic Services
    The Amani library subscribes to e-journals which can be accessed on the IPSTC website from the IPSTC Karen and HPSS (Embakasi) Campuses, by all users. These can also be accessed from the library if a user has a laptop through wireless connectivity.

E- Journals
The Amani Library has subscribed to the following journals

  • Taylor & Francis
  • Project MUSE
  • Cambridge University Press
  • Edinburgh University Press
  • Liverpool University Press
  • Wiley Online Library
  • SAGE
  • Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
  • Emerald Insight
  • Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)

4. Library Rules and Regulations:

a. Opening hours:
The official Library Opening & Operating Hours:

  • Monday - Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 pm
  • Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays: Closed

b. Use of Amani Library/Resources

  • The library is open to IPSTC staff and visitors. However, only registered members of the Library will enjoy certain privileges such as loaning of books.
  • All users are required to observe library rules and regulations.
  • Members of the general public seeking to use the Library shall do so through the office of the Director.
  • Borrowing is restricted to registered IPSTC staff or registered members of affiliate organizations such as the Kenya Defence Forces (KDF) but with an introduction letter from their unit/organization.
  • Course participants may borrow materials from the library through their assigned course clerk who will sign for the materials borrowed on their behalf and ensures that the loaned items are returned at least two days before the end of the course.
  • Library members are responsible for loss or damage of library materials in their possession. They will be required to pay a 150% surcharge of the total price of the book for any loss or damage.
  • Loaned items may not be transferred from one borrower to another but must be returned to the library for re-issuing.
  • Users shall be allowed up to 3 loaned books at any given time. Any extra book(s) above this number shall be issued subject to authorization from the Head of Research.
  • The loan period for borrowed items is 14 days.

5. Photo Gallery:

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