The 24th Regional Senior Leadership Course was officially opened today, 15th Nov 2021 by Major General P M Njiru, Commandant Defence Staff College. In attendance was Brig J C Sitienei Director IPSTC, Brig Ronnie UK Advisor to Kenya, Col Alex Wilson BPST Commander, Brig (RTD) Getachew S Fayisa Director EASFSEC, and Lt Gen(RTD) Daniel Opande Director of Studies.
The Course is sponsored by the Government of UK through the British Peace Support Team Africa. Our partnership with BPST(A) has enhanced the capacity of Peace Keepers through training. The two-week course has 27 participants; 17 Military, 6 Police, and 4 Civilians.
The participants were drawn from diverse countries namely Malawi, Kenya, Burundi, Zambia, Uganda, Ghana, Gambia, Nigeria, UK, Bolivia, Bangladesh, Denmark, Egypt, Lesotho, and France.
The mentors are PSO Experts from the African Union and UN Field Mission.This being a keystone course, it will incorporate climate change and pandemics whilst training on Peace and Leadership roles as part of the course work.