The 5th Africa Counter Improvised Explosive Devices working group, kicked off at the Humanitarian Peace Support School. IPSTC in partnership with British Peace Support Team - Africa and UNMAS planned the working group with the aim of building on the efforts of the past four years and enhancing the understanding of the complex environment in which IEDs are deployed.
The three-day working group participants are drawn from senior personnel involved in policy development with C-IED-related backgrounds. Some of whom include those involved with Internal Security and Defence ministries, top management in peacekeeping missions, and International organizations such as the UN, AU, and IGAD. African troop-contributing countries such as MONUSCO, ATMIS, MINUSCA, and MINUSMA also have representatives in the working group. Niger, Chad, Egypt, South Africa, Malawi, Djibouti, Guinea, Uganda, Burundi, Burkina Faso, and Kenya, all have representation at the working group.
At the opening ceremony, Principal Secretary Ministry of Defence, Hon Patrick Mariru presided over the occasion as the chief guest. In his speech, the PS affirmed the incessant commitment of the Kenyan Government toward global peace and security. Also in attendance was the ACDF in charge of Operations, Plans, Doctrine, and Training, Maj General Leuria. In his speech, he cited some of the milestones KDF has achieved regarding supporting the fight against Improvised Explosive Devices. Overseeing the development of partnership arrangements with world-leading Counter Improvised Explosive Devices (C-IED)and Explosive Ordnance Devices experts to ensure the validity, sustainability, and currency of the approach used in training, ranked high on the list.
The opening ceremony coincided with the United Nations International Day of Peace Keepers, and our Director, Brigadier Joyce Sitienei acknowledged the role HPSS’ C-IED wing has played in supporting global efforts in IED threat mitigation. This she said is a result of having trained over 6000 peacekeepers in IED awareness and IED defeat courses as IPSTC. Deputy British High Commissioner to Kenya, Ms. Josephine Gauld, attended the ceremony representing the government of the UK who are the sponsor of the working group. In her speech, Ms. Gauld was cognizant of the importance of nations coming together and working towards a common goal. This she said is in line with this year’s theme; "Enhancing Counter Improvised Explosive Devices capability in support of peacekeeping operations through partnerships."
Also, present at the opening ceremony include the UK Defence Attaché Brigadier Ronnie Westerman, the Brigade Commander Combat Engineers Brigade Brigadier Swaleh Said, Commandant HPSS Lt. Col Omao, officers, and service members.